
Family Cancer Service logo
Our service is honoured to have had Nuki Aldridge’s feedback on our logo.

Te Taumata Kaumaatua Ngaphuinui tonu. Te Wakameninga o nga hapu Ngapuhi.
“Ka ti ra e te rangatira a Nuki, tiaki mo te kupu o He Wakaputanga me Tiriti,
moe mai ra, moe mai ra, moe mai ra, haere, haere, haere atu ra”.

20 May 1934 – 30 October 2017

Photography for Family Cancer Service
Special thanks to Susan and Haki Watene. Photographed by Sue Gee at Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec are four generations of the Watene whānau. Susan is afilliated with Ngati Porou, East Cape and Haki with Ngati Whatua, Tamaki Makaurau.

The centrepiece of the marae is a magnificent whare whakairo (carved meeting house) ‘Ngākau Māhaki’, which was built and designed by Te Arawa master carver Dr Lyonel Grant. Opened in March 2009, Ngākau Māhaki was the first whare whakairo in nearly a century that has been created using traditional architectural approaches.

New Zealand Family Cancer Service acknowledges eviQ as a valuable resource in developing our website.

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